13 Questions, 13 Answers: Your Guide to ZIP System™ Peel and Stick Underlayment
4 Min Read February 2, 2024
A recent addition to the ZIP System™ roof assembly portfolio, ZIP System™ peel and stick underlayment is a self-adhered roof underlayment that can be used as an ice barrier or as a continuous roof underlayment to help prevent water infiltration due to wind-driven rain or ice damming.
Below are answers to common ZIP System peel and stick underlayment questions, but first, check out a message from Matt Risinger and Will King of The Build Show Network:

Why would I add ZIP System peel and stick underlayment to my roof assembly?
As a self-adhered waterproofing roof underlayment, ZIP System peel and stick underlayment elevates protection against moisture intrusion and comes backed by a Leak-Free Guarantee. No other roof deck system on the market can offer a single-manufacturer-backed system with three layers of leak protection:
1) Eliminating the need for felt through a panel-integrated underlayment
2) Taped panel seams to prevent a channel for water intrusion
3) Adhered secondary underlayment for additional protection
What is the Leak-Free Guarantee?
The Leak-Free Guarantee covers any area of your ZIP System roof assembly on a residential construction project for a period of 5 Years that meets the following criteria:

What types of adhesives will ZIP System peel and stick underlayment feature?
ZIP System peel and stick underlayment is available with rubberized asphalt adhesive. Rubberized asphalt is a long-standing technology with proven performance benefits related to moisture protection and sealing around nails.
What is the allowable installation temperature?
ZIP System peel and stick underlayment has a high temperature (HT)-rated option. Both standard and HT-rated underlayment options should be installed at a temperature greater than 40° F (4.44°C).
Can ZIP System peel and stick underlayment be installed in temperatures below 40°F (4.44°C)?
The adhesive will not properly adhere to the roof deck when the temperature is below 40°F. Button-cap fasteners may be used on the top 3.5 inches of the ZIP System peel and stick underlayment to hold the membrane in place until the temperature rises.
Is ZIP System peel and stick underlayment approved for high-temperature applications?
Yes. We have a high-temperature version of ZIP System peel and stick underlayment for service temperatures up to 260°F (126°C).
What type of substrates can ZIP System peel and stick underlayment be installed on?
ZIP System peel and stick underlayment is compatible with most common building materials including; ZIP System sheathing and tape, OSB, plywood, dimensional lumber, vinyl, aluminum, and steel.
For more information on substrates, see the Product Data Sheet
What type of roof covering can be installed on top of the ZIP System peel and stick underlayment?
Most roof coverings are compatible with ZIP System peel and stick underlayment, including asphalt shingles, most metal roofing, wood shakes and shingles, and clay tile. For any compatibility questions, contact our Technical Engineering Team.

Can this be installed anywhere other than the roof?
No. ZIP System peel and stick underlayment is approved for roof applications only.
What is the exposure time for the product?
ZIP System peel and stick underlayment products have a 90-day Exposure Rating.
Can I use ZIP System peel and stick underlayment over an entire roof deck in an unvented roof assembly?
When installing ZIP System peel and stick underlayment over the entire roof deck, follow the guidelines of the International Residential Code or International Building Code. Always provide proper ventilation, drying capability, and insulation to minimize the risk of condensation.
Can ZIP System peel and stick underlayment be used in flat roof applications?
No. It is not warranted for use in flat roof applications. ZIP System peel and stick underlayment is used on roofs with a pitch of 2:12 or greater.
Does ZIP System peel and stick underlayment get slick when it’s wet?
It is not recommended to work on a wet roof.
Have more questions? Contact the Huber Engineered Woods Technical Support Team or download the ZIP System Peel and Stick Underlayment Installation Manual.