Building Better with ZIP System Flashing Tape: Your Questions, Expert Answers
4 Min Read April 10, 2024
ZIP System flashing tape is an adhesive tape most used for flashing panel seams as well as windows, doors, and other openings to maintain continuity in the building's envelope. Let’s talk about some commonly asked questions about ZIP System flashing tape.

What is ZIP System flashing tape?
ZIP System flashing tape is a high-quality, adhesive tape with advanced acrylic adhesion. It is pressure-activated to create a bond that strengthens after rolling. It is primarily used to enhance the water-resistance of a building's exterior when combined with ZIP System sheathing.
What is ZIP System flashing tape used for?
The primary purpose of ZIP System flashing tape is to seal panel seams to help prevent water infiltration and air leakage into the building envelope. It ensures that moisture and drafts are kept out of the structure, helping to maintain a comfortable and energy-efficient indoor environment when used with ZIP System sheathing.
Where should ZIP System flashing tape be applied?
ZIP System flashing tape should be applied to seams, corners, openings, and any penetrations in the building envelope. Common application areas include window and door openings, roof-to-wall connections, and flashing transitions.

What is ZIP System flashing tape compatible with?
ZIP System flashing tape is designed for ZIP System sheathing products but can be used for all types of flashing applications. ZIP System flashing tape is compatible with treated and non-treated wood, OSB (Oriented Strand Board), and plywood. For a complete list check out the tech tip below.
This technical document shares ZIP System flashing tape’s compatibility with various substrates.
What temperatures can ZIP System flashing tape be applied?
ZIP System flashing tape can be applied in temperatures from 0°F to 120°F or roughly 50°C. It is important that the substrate be clean and dry.
What sizes does ZIP System flashing tape come in?
ZIP System flashing tape has different nominal widths: 3-¾", 6”, 9” and 12”. The roll length varies depending on width from 30’, 50’, 75’ or 90’.
Check out the product page for reference.
What is the difference between ZIP System flashing tape and ZIP System stretch tape?
Both ZIP System flashing tape and ZIP System stretch tape use advanced acrylic adhesives. ZIP System stretch tape stretches in all directions to flash areas more easily with extreme curves or corners.
For common flashing details look at the install manual.

What is the difference between ZIP System flashing tape and ZIP System Vapor Permeable (VP) tape?
ZIP System VP tape is used just like the standard ZIP System flashing tape for panel seam sealing and flashing applications. The difference is that one tape is permeable and the other is not. This tape is most beneficial in extreme climate zones or high-performance assemblies such as passive houses.
Check the product data sheet for more information.
When should you use ZIP System VP Tape?
According to custom home builder, Jake Bruton, the greater the amount of insulation in a wall assembly, the greater the reduction in energy flow and therefore, potential for drying if a wetting should ever occur. Vapor-permeable tape, like ZIP System VP tape, is a great option for these thick, high-insulation wall assemblies.
Which tape should I use for panel seams?
ZIP System 3.75” flashing tape is most used to tape panel seams. When it comes to inside and outside corners the wider versions of ZIP System flashing tape are recommended.
Do I have to roll the tape?
Yes. The acrylic adhesive is pressure-activated. Rolling the tape ensures you get the optimal bond after applying the tape.
Where can I find ZIP System flashing tape?
You can find ZIP System flashing tape at your local lumber yard, Lowes, Home Depot, or Amazon.
Contact your local Huber sales representative for help finding ZIP System flashing tape near you. For additional questions, call our technical support line at 1.800.933.9220 ext. 2716.