How to Talk to Your Builder About Subfloors
3 Min Read December 10, 2019
The process of designing and building your dream home can be a bit daunting, even for the most knowledgeable homeowner. It's important that you prepare for every meeting with your builder, from the initial selection process to picking out fixtures.
And, when insisting on quality building materials, you need to know when and how to talk to your builder.
Ask early.
Now that you've decided you want quality building materials to be used in the construction of your home, it's important to have the conversation with your builder early and often.
When you are interviewing potential builders, be sure to bring your checklist. Ask them pointed questions about their building process, how often they tend to communicate progress with clients, and the specific building materials they use.

Remind them you want the best in places where it counts.
For most of us, custom home building is a once-in-a-lifetime venture. So, you want to make sure your home is built to last using the best materials available for critical areas of the home.
You may fall in love with a builder that happens to use a different type of subfloor, and that's okay. Just remember that it is also okay to request high-quality materials like AdvanTech subflooring. By doing this, you're insisting on a home that will continue to perform at its best for years to come.
Whether you are interviewing a builder or beginning talks about materials and home design, it is a good idea to have the conversation about high-quality building products early and often.

Why Quality Subfloor Panels Are Important
Everything rests on your subfloors. From granite countertops and hardwood floor coverings to your footsteps and furniture — the subfloor you choose today is the base your home depends on for a lifetime.
Because it’s engineered for advanced moisture resistance and superior strength and stiffness, AdvanTech® subflooring give your finished floors a smooth, flat surface with a luxurious, solid feel.
It Keeps Subfloors Quiet
AdvanTech subflooring is designed to stay stiffer and stronger than other plywood or OSB subfloors.1 This helps eliminate floor bounce, squeaks, shaking furniture and rattling china cabinets.
Whether your floors are hardwood, tile, carpet or marble, AdvanTech subflooring is engineered to provide a smooth surface that holds finished floor fasteners in place.
It’s durable
Premium modern furnishings and open floor plans put added weight and stress on your floor systems. AdvanTech subfloor assembly supports your home’s premium features with strong, stiff flooring that is backed by a Limited Lifetime Warranty.2
It’s first class
AdvanTech subflooring has been rated number one in quality for more than a decade by builders nationwide.3 No other subfloor panel matches the award-winning quality and long lasting performance of AdvanTech subflooring.