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Document 349
Exterior Foam over ZIP System Sheathing F-2.1
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to install exterior foam over ZIP System sheathing.
Document 350
Product Data Sheet | ZIP System Flashing Tape
This Product Data Sheet provides the physical properties, usage, handling and storage of ZIP System flashing tape.
Document 351
Product Data Sheet | ZIP System Liquid Flash
This Product Data Sheet provides the physical properties, usage, handling and storage of ZIP System Liquid Flash
Document 352
Product Data Sheet | ZIP System Stretch Tape
This Product Data Sheet provides the physical properties, usage, handling and storage of ZIP System Stretch Tape
Document 353
BXUV.M500 Fire-Rated Assembly Using EXACOR Underlayment | UL Assembly
This UL Assembly is designed specifically as a 2-hour floor/ceiling rating using EXACOR Subfloor or Underlayment.
Document 354
BXUV.L502 Fire-Rated Assembly Using EXACOR Underlayment or Subflooring | UL Assembly
This UL Assembly is designed specifically as a 2-hour floor/ceiling rating using EXACOR Subfloor or Underlayment.
Document 355
Submittal Form for ZIP System Peel and Stick Underlayment
This submittal form is a fillable PDF for the submittal of ZIP System peel and stick underlayment, along with the associated product data sheet.
Document 356
Common Causes of Roof Leaks During Construction
This technical tip covers the common areas on an unfinished roof deck that may allow water into the building before the structure is dried-in.
Document 357
Window Sill Flashing Depth with ZIP System Stretch Tape
Optional Detail: This detail shows HEW's recommendations on the depth-of-flashing requirement for window sill flashing.
Document 358
Product Data Sheet | EXACOR Underlayment
This Product Data Sheet provides the physical properties, usage, handling and storage of EXACOR underlayment.
Document 359
Submittal Form | EXACOR Underlayment
This submittal form is a fillable PDF for the submittal of EXACOR underlayment, along with the associated product data sheet.
Document 360
Product Data Sheet | EXACOR Wall Sheathing
This Product Data Sheet provides the physical properties, usage, handling and storage of EXACOR wall sheathing.