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Document 157
Drainage Efficiency of ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip addresses how drainage planes effectively control water intrusion on the exterior side of a wall assembly.
Document 158
Bracing Gable End Wall Trusses with ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip briefly explains the bracing process for gable end trusses and how ZIP System sheathing is incorporated into this process.
Document 159
Satisfying Energy Code Requirements with ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip explains how to comply with energy code requirements stated in the IECC using ZIP System sheathing.
Document 160
Gypsum Behind ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip addresses the installation of ZIP System sheathing over gypsum in applicable fire rated assemblies.
Document 161
Rainscreen Systems with ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip explains when the use of a rainscreen system might be necessary and some of the types of rainscreen systems that can be used with ZIP System sheathing
Document 162
Load-Span Tables for ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip provides tables that illustrate the maximum allowable loading (PSF) for ZIP System sheathing. These loads are based on deflection, bending, and shear values.
Document 163
Connecticut Code Compliance for Roof Underlayments with ZIP System Tape
This technical tip provides the acceptance criteria for ZIP System tape to serve as a seam-sealing flashing tape in the state of Connecticut. Specifically, this document addresses the use of ZIP System tape as a component of roof underlayment.
Document 164
Code Compliance for Roof Underlayments with ZIP System Tape
This technical tip provides the acceptance criteria for ZIP System tape to serve as a code-approved, seam-sealing flashing tape. Specifically, this document addresses the use of ZIP System tape as a component of roof underlayment.
Document 165
Ice and Water Membranes on ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip explains why ice and water membranes are necessary, and how to install them on ZIP System sheathing
Document 166
When H-Clips are Necessary with ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip explains when H-Clips are needed in a ZIP System roof application
Document 167
Maximum Panel Spacing for ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip addresses the proper spacing between panels of ZIP System sheathing.
Document 168
Defining a Rough Dry-In with ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip clarifies what is meant by the term "rough dry-in" when used in ZIP System literature.