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Document 13
Store Front Window - ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows the steps for installing a non-flanged window with ZIP System R-sheathing using a combination of ZIP System stretch tape and flashing tape.
Document 14
Brick Mould Window with ZIP System Stretch Tape and Flashing tape
This detail shows the steps for installing a brick mould window with ZIP System R-sheathing using a combination of ZIP System stretch tape and flashing tape.
Document 15
Flanged Window Flashing with Brick Veneer using ZIP System Stretch Tape
This detail shows the installation of a flanged window with ZIP System R-sheathing using stretch tape for the sill flashing and brick veneer being used for the cladding.
Document 16
Recessed Window Flashing with ZIP System Liquid Flash on R-sheathing
This detail shows the installation of a recessed window with ZIP System R-sheathing using ZIP System Liquid flash.
Document 17
Picture Frame Window Flashing with ZIP System Stretch Tape and Flashing Tape
This detail shows installation of a flanged window over picture framing with ZIP System R-sheathing using ZIP System stretch tape and flashing tape.
Document 18
Adhered Stone over ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows installation of adhered stone over ZIP System R-sheathing
Document 19
Adhered Stone with Drainage Medium over ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows the installation of adhered stone over ZIP System R-sheathing with an added drainage gap.
Document 20
Brick Veneer over ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows the installation of brick veneer over ZIP System R-sheathing.
Document 21
Lap Siding over ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to install lap siding over ZIP System R-sheathing.
Document 22
Lap Siding with a Drainage Medium over ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to install lap siding with a drainage medium over ZIP System R-sheathing.
Document 23
Fiber Cement Panels over ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to install fiber cement panels over ZIP System R-sheathing.
Document 24
Corrugated Metaling Siding ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to install corrugated metal cladding over ZIP System R-sheathing.