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85 Documents
Document 13
T-Joint above Flanged Window - Hat Piece Installed over Head Flashing with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations when a vertical panel seam is located within the head of a window.
Document 14
T-Joint above Flanged Window - Head Flanged Taped with ZIP System 6-inch Flashing Tape
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations when a vertical panel seam is located within the head of a window.
Document 15
Store Front Window - ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a store front/non-flanged window.
Document 16
Brick Mould Window with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a brick mould window.
Document 17
Brick Veneer with Flanged Window and ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a flanged window when using brick veneer.
Document 18
Exterior Foam with Flanged Window and ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a window with ZIP System sheathing when exterior foam is used.
Document 19
Picture Frame Window with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a flanged window over a picture framing.
Document 20
Self-Contained Flashing Unit with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a self-contained flashing unit into a window rough opening.
Document 21
Field Trimmed Doors with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for installing doors with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 22
Flanged Doors with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for installing doors with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 23
Brick Mould Doors with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for installing doors with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 24
Taping Corners of ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations of taping inside and outside corners with ZIP System tape.