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Document 265
Flashing Flanged Windows with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This video shows how to flash a window sill pan, and flash a flanged window using ZIP System flashing tape.
Document 266
Tongue-and-Tongue Edge Profile on ZIP System Sheathing
This video explains the edge profiles, and and proper panel spacing requirements for ZIP System sheathing.
Document 267
Integrating Rigid Metal Flashing with ZIP System Flashing Tape
The video shows how to properly tape flashing transitions with ZIP System flashing tape.
Document 268
Taping Roof Valleys with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This video shows how to tape roof valleys with 3.75-Inch ZIP System flashing tape.
Document 269
Taping T-Joints with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This video shows how to properly tape T-intersections with ZIP System flashing tape.
Document 270
Taping Ridge Vents with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This video shows how to properly tape a ridge vent with 3.75-inch ZIP System flashing tape.
Document 271
Jobsite Poster for ZIP System Wall Sheathing
This poster is an overview of typical ZIP System sheathing details for wall applications, and is formatted to be used as a printable jobsite poster.
Document 272
Jobsite Poster for ZIP System Wall Sheathing | Espanol
This poster is a Spanish translated overview of typical ZIP System sheathing details for wall applications, and is formatted to be used as a printable jobsite poster.
Document 273
Jobsite Poster for ZIP System Roof Sheathing
This poster is an overview of typical ZIP System sheathing details for roof applications, and is formatted to be used as a printable jobsite poster.
Document 274
Jobsite Poster for ZIP System Roof Sheathing | Espanol
This poster is a Spanish translated overview of typical ZIP System sheathing details for roof applications, and is formatted to be used as a printable jobsite poster.
Document 275
Jobsite Poster for ZIP System R-sheathing
This poster is an overview of insulated ZIP System R-sheathing details for wall applications, and is formatted to be used as a printable jobsite poster.
Document 276
Jobsite Poster for ZIP System Roof Sheathing | Portuguese
This poster is a Portuguese translated overview of typical ZIP System sheathing details for roof applications, and is formatted to be used as a printable jobsite poster.