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Document 277
Wood Shakes over ZIP System Wall Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to install wood shakes over ZIP System wall sheathing.
Document 278
Contractor Checklist for ZIP System Sheathing
This checklist outlines the important observations and practices to perform successfully when installing ZIP System sheathing and R-sheathing.
Document 279
Safety Data Sheet | ZIP System Liquid Flash | Espanol
La Hoja de datos de seguridad (SDS) enumera todos los materiales utilizados en el ZIP System liquid flash.
Document 280
Safety Data Sheet | ZIP System Liquid Flash | Francais
La fiche de données de sécurité (SDS) répertorie tous les matériaux utilisés dans le ZIP System liquid flash.
Document 281
Flanged Window Trim Flashing and Sill Pan with Stretch Tape
Optional Detail: This details describes how to flash a flanged window with head flashing above trim and a sill pan using ZIP System Stretch Tape
Document 282
Safety Data Sheet | AdvanTech Subfloor Adhesive Cleaner
The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) lists all the materials used within the AdvanTech subfloor adhesive cleaner.
Document 283
AAMA 714 equivalency | ZIP System Liquid Flash | ESR-4597
Evaluation report for ZIP System liquid flash stating compliance with AAMA 714 as a fluid applied flashing product.
Document 284
Indoor Air Quality Evaluation of ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip discusses the results of the voluntary third-party testing of VOC emissions from ZIP System sheathing.
Document 285
Off-site Panelization of ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip explains considerations for builders who choose to panelize wall using ZIP System sheathing off-site
Document 286
Environmental Product Declaration for AdvanTech
This document includes the Environmental Product Declaration for AdvanTech subflooring and sheathing, and addresses our approach to ensure environmental health and sustainability.
Document 287
DECRA Roof Systems and ZIP System Sheathing
This manufacturer letter confirms that it is acceptable for DECRA Roof System metal panels to be installed directly to the ZIP System roof sheathing. The provided conditions must be satisfied.
Document 288
Round Pipe Penetration with ZIP System R-sheathing and Stretch Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a pipe through ZIP System R-sheathing with stretch tape