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Document 25
Flanged Window Flashing - Sill pan with ZIP System Flashing Tape and Stretch Tape
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for flashing a sill pan with a stretchable tape in the corners and a flashing tape on the sill.
Document 26
T-Joint above Flanged Window - Hat Piece Installed over Head Flashing with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations when a vertical panel seam is located within the head of a window.
Document 27
T-Joint above Flanged Window - Head Flanged Taped with ZIP System 6-inch Flashing Tape
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations when a vertical panel seam is located within the head of a window.
Document 28
Store Front Window - ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a store front/non-flanged window.
Document 29
Recessed Flanged Window with ZIP System Liquid Flash
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a recessed window.
Document 30
Recessed Store Front Window with ZIP System Liquid Flash
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a store front/non-flanged window into a recessed framed.
Document 31
Brick Mould Window with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a brick mould window.
Document 32
Brick Veneer with Flanged Window and ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a flanged window when using brick veneer.
Document 33
Exterior Foam with Flanged Window and ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a window with ZIP System sheathing when exterior foam is used.
Document 34
Picture Frame Window with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a flanged window over a picture framing.
Document 35
Self-Contained Flashing Unit with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations when installing a self-contained flashing unit into a window rough opening.
Document 36
Field Trimmed Doors with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for installing doors with ZIP System sheathing.