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107 Documents
Document 37
Skylights with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for installing a skylight with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 38
Step Flashing with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for installing step flashing with with ZIP System sheathing for asphalt shingles, wood shakes and simliar.
Document 39
Valley Flashing with 6-inch Tape for ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for flashing valleys with 6" ZIP System tape with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 40
Valley Flashing with 4-inch Tape for ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for flashing valleys with 4" ZIP System tape with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 41
Valley Flashing with Metal Flashing for ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for flashing valleys with metal flashing with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 42
Chimney Flashing with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for flashing around a chimney with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 43
Chimney Flashing at Eave with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for flashing around a chimney with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 44
Plumbing Vent Flashing with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for installing a plumbing vent with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 45
Asphalt Shingle over ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for installing asphalt shingles over ZIP System sheathing.
Document 46
Metal Panels over ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for installing metal roofing panels over ZIP System sheathing.
Document 47
Clay Tiles with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for installing clay tiles over ZIP System sheathing.
Document 48
Copper Roofs on ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip addresses the proper installation and appropriate slip sheets to use when applying copper roofing to ZIP System sheathing