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Document 37
Code Compliance for Roof Underlayments with ZIP System Tape
This technical tip provides the acceptance criteria for ZIP System tape to serve as a code-approved, seam-sealing flashing tape. Specifically, this document addresses the use of ZIP System tape as a component of roof underlayment.
Document 38
Flanged Window Flashing with ZIP System Stretch Tape
This detail shows the steps for installing a flanged window with ZIP System R-sheathing using ZIP System stretch tape for the sill flashing.
Document 39
Flanged Window Flashing with ZIP System Flashing Tape
This detail shows the steps for installing a flanged window with ZIP System R-sheathing using ZIP System flashing tape for the sill flashing.
Document 40
Store Front Window - ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows the steps for installing a non-flanged window with ZIP System R-sheathing using a combination of ZIP System stretch tape and flashing tape.
Document 41
Brick Mould Window with ZIP System Stretch Tape and Flashing tape
This detail shows the steps for installing a brick mould window with ZIP System R-sheathing using a combination of ZIP System stretch tape and flashing tape.
Document 42
Flanged Window Flashing with Brick Veneer using ZIP System Stretch Tape
This detail shows the installation of a flanged window with ZIP System R-sheathing using stretch tape for the sill flashing and brick veneer being used for the cladding.
Document 43
Picture Frame Window Flashing with ZIP System Stretch Tape and Flashing Tape
This detail shows installation of a flanged window over picture framing with ZIP System R-sheathing using ZIP System stretch tape and flashing tape.
Document 44
Round Pipe Penetration with ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a pipe through ZIP System R-sheathing.
Document 45
Beam Penetration with ZIP System R-sheathing and Stretch Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a beam through ZIP System R-sheathing.
Document 46
Beam Penetration with ZIP System R-sheathing and Flashing Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a beam through ZIP System R-sheathing.
Document 47
Submittal Form for ZIP System Flashing Tape
This submittal form is a fillable PDF for submittal of ZIP System flashing tape, along with the associated product data sheet.
Document 48
Submittal Form for ZIP System Products
This submittal form is a fillable PDF for submittal of all ZIP System products, along with the associated product data sheets.