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35 Documents
Document 25
Beam Penetration with ZIP System R-sheathing and Stretch Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a beam through ZIP System R-sheathing.
Document 26
Submittal Form for ZIP System Products
This submittal form is a fillable PDF for submittal of all ZIP System products, along with the associated product data sheets.
Document 27
Submittal Form for ZIP System Stretch Tape
This submittal form is a fillable PDF for submittal of ZIP System stretch tape, along with the associated product data sheet.
Document 28
Environmental Product Declaration for Huber Products
This document includes the Environmental Product Declaration for all Huber products, and addresses our approach to ensure environmental health and sustainability.
Document 29
Flanged Window Trim Flashing and Sill Pan with Stretch Tape
This details describes how to flash a flanged window with head flashing above trim and a sill pan using ZIP System Stretch Tape
Document 30
Round Pipe Penetration with ZIP System R-sheathing and Stretch Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a pipe through ZIP System R-sheathing with stretch tape
Document 31
Window and Door Sealant Compatibility with ZIP System Products
This technical tip covers compatibility of a wide range of window and door sealants applied over ZIP System sheathing and accessory products
Document 32
Installation Manual | ZIP System Stretch Tape
This Installation Manual covers basic installation recommendations for ZIP System™ stretch tape.
Document 33
Product Data Sheet | ZIP System Stretch Tape
This Product Data Sheet provides the physical properties, usage, handling and storage of ZIP System Stretch Tape
Document 34
Window Sill Flashing Depth with ZIP System Stretch Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on the depth-of-flashing requirement for window sill flashing.
Document 35
ZIP System Flashing Tapes Compatibility with Various Substrates
This technical tip covers the compatibility of a wide range of substrates compatible with ZIP System flashing tapes.