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75 Documents
Document 49
Sunlast Metal Roof Panels with ZIP System Sheathing
This approval letter confirms that it is acceptable for Sunlast Metal roof panels to be installed directly to the ZIP System roof sheathing. The provided conditions must be satisfied.
Document 50
Panel Weights and Quantities | ZIP System Panels
This data sheet addresses all standard stocking items in the ZIP System product line, along with manufacturing locations and average panel weights.
Document 51
3-Part Spec - ZIP System Sheathing - Section 061600
This 3-part specification includes a short form format for architectural specs in regards to the sheathing applications of ZIP System sheathing.
Document 52
Submittal Form for ZIP System Products
This submittal form is a fillable PDF for submittal of all ZIP System products, along with the associated product data sheets.
Document 53
Environmental Product Declaration for Huber Products
This document includes the Environmental Product Declaration for all Huber products, and addresses our approach to ensure environmental health and sustainability.
Document 54
Environmental Product Declaration for ZIP System Sheathing and Tape
This document includes the Environmental Product Declaration for ZIP System sheathing and tape, and addresses our approach to ensure environmental health and sustainability.
Document 55
Sustainable Forestry Initiative Registration for Huber Products
This certificate shows the registration of Huber's wood-based panel products to SFI, the Sustainable Forestry Initiative program.
Document 56
ZIP System Sheathing Roof and Wall Combo Panel Installation
This video shows how to install 7/16" ZIP System sheathing on the roof.
Document 57
ZIP System Sheathing vs. Tape and Underlayment
This video shows the differences between ZIP System sheathing and tape vs traditional felt and tapes in roof applications.
Document 58
Tongue-and-Tongue Edge Profile on ZIP System Sheathing
This video explains the edge profiles, and and proper panel spacing requirements for ZIP System sheathing.
Document 59
Jobsite Poster for ZIP System Roof Sheathing
This poster is an overview of typical ZIP System sheathing details for roof applications, and is formatted to be used as a printable jobsite poster.
Document 60
Jobsite Poster for ZIP System Roof Sheathing | Espanol
This poster is a Spanish translated overview of typical ZIP System sheathing details for roof applications, and is formatted to be used as a printable jobsite poster.