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154 Documents
Document 49
Flanged PTAC with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a PTAC through ZIP System sheathing.
Document 50
Non-Flanged PTAC with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a PTAC through ZIP System sheathing.
Document 51
Non-Flanged PTAC with ZIP System Sheathing - Hybrid
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a PTAC through ZIP System sheathing.
Document 52
Strapping and ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to install strapping over ZIP System sheathing.
Document 53
Exterior Wood Deck with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to install integrate a wood deck with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 54
Exterior Concrete Deck with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to install integrate a concrete deck with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 55
Adhered Stone over ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for installing adhered stone with the drainage medium over ZIP System sheathing.
Document 56
Adhered Stone with Drainage Medium over ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for installing adhered stone over ZIP System sheathing.
Document 57
Exterior Tile with Backer Board over ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for installing exterior tile with a backer board over ZIP System sheathing.
Document 58
Brick Veneer with Base Flashing in front of ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for installing brick veneer with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 59
Adhered Thin Brick with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for installing thin brick veneer with ZIP System sheathing.
Document 60
Thin Brick with Tabbed Panel with ZIP System Sheathing
This detail shows one of HEW's recommendations for installing thin brick veneer with ZIP System sheathing.