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72 Documents
Document 49
UL V318 Fire-Rated Assembly using ZIP System R-sheathing | UL Assembly
This UL Assembly is designed specifically as a 1-hour interior rating using ZIP System R-sheathing
Document 50
Jobsite Poster for ZIP System R-sheathing
This poster is an overview of insulated ZIP System R-sheathing details for wall applications, and is formatted to be used as a printable jobsite poster.
Document 51
Contractor Checklist for ZIP System Sheathing
This checklist outlines the important observations and practices to perform successfully when installing ZIP System sheathing and R-sheathing.
Document 52
Round Pipe Penetration with ZIP System R-sheathing and Stretch Tape
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to flash a pipe through ZIP System R-sheathing with stretch tape
Document 53
Foundation Flashing with ZIP System R-sheathing RD-2.3
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to space the area where ZIP System R-sheathing meets the foundation.
Document 54
Brick Ledge With Insulated Slab Using ZIP System R-sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendation on how to address a transition from ZIP System R-sheathing to an insulated slab foundation with brick ledge
Document 55
Window and Door Sealant Compatibility with ZIP System Products
This technical tip covers compatibility of a wide range of window and door sealants applied over ZIP System sheathing and accessory products
Document 56
Product Data Sheet | ZIP System Peel and Stick Underlayment Products
This Product Data Sheet provides the physical properties, usage, handling and storage of ZIP System peel and stick underlayment products.
Document 57
Installation Manual | ZIP System Peel and Stick Underlayment Products
This Installation Manual covers basic installation recommendations for ZIP System peel and stick underlayment and peel and stick underlayment HT
Document 58
Code Recognition for ZIP System Peel and Stick Underlayment Products | ESR-4904
ESR-4904 provides information on the description, uses and code recognition of ZIP System peel and stick underlayment and peel and stick underlayment HT.
Document 59
FAQs regarding ZIP System Peel and Stick Underlayment Products
This technical tip answers some frequently asked questions regarding installation and performance of ZIP System peel and stick underlayment and peel and stick underlayment HT
Document 60
Valley Flashing with ZIP System Peel and Stick Underlayment
This detail shows HEW's recommendations for flashing a roof valley with ZIP System peel and stick underlayment.