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113 Documents
Document 97
Tongue-and-Tongue Edge Profile on ZIP System Sheathing
This video explains the edge profiles, and and proper panel spacing requirements for ZIP System sheathing.
Document 98
Jobsite Poster for ZIP System Wall Sheathing
This poster is an overview of typical ZIP System sheathing details for wall applications, and is formatted to be used as a printable jobsite poster.
Document 99
Jobsite Poster for ZIP System Wall Sheathing | Espanol
This poster is a Spanish translated overview of typical ZIP System sheathing details for wall applications, and is formatted to be used as a printable jobsite poster.
Document 100
Wood Shakes over ZIP System Wall Sheathing
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to install wood shakes over ZIP System wall sheathing.
Document 101
Contractor Checklist for ZIP System Sheathing
This checklist outlines the important observations and practices to perform successfully when installing ZIP System sheathing and R-sheathing.
Document 102
Flanged Window Trim Flashing and Sill Pan with Stretch Tape
This details describes how to flash a flanged window with head flashing above trim and a sill pan using ZIP System Stretch Tape
Document 103
Indoor Air Quality Evaluation of ZIP System Sheathing
This technical tip discusses the results of the voluntary third-party testing of VOC emissions from ZIP System sheathing.
Document 104
Window and Door Sealant Compatibility with ZIP System Products
This technical tip covers compatibility of a wide range of window and door sealants applied over ZIP System sheathing and accessory products
Document 105
ZIP System™ Wall Residential Limited Warranty
This document explains the product warranty for ZIP System Wall products used in residential applications.
Document 106
ZIP System™ Wall Commercial Limited Warranty
This document explains the product warranty for ZIP System wall products used in commercial applications.
Document 107
ZIP System Sheathing in Fire Rated Assemblies
This technical tip states how ZIP System sheathing can be used in a fire rated assembly using the substitution method and the addition method
Document 108
Exterior Foam over ZIP System Sheathing F-2.1
This detail shows HEW's recommendations on how to install exterior foam over ZIP System sheathing.