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ZIP System™ Multi-Purpose Tape

ZIP System multi-purpose tape adheres and protects the jobsite from tough conditions inside and out. The product’s specially formulated acrylic adhesion forms a powerful bond making it a great option for a variety of surfaces. Great for wood, vinyl, metal, and plastic. Engineered for year-round performance, ZIP System multi-purpose tape offers reliability and durability.

01 Products

2" × 50' Multi-Purpose Tape

Professional-grade, weather-resistant tape for a variety of jobsite applications

2" × 75' Multi-Purpose Tape

Professional-grade, weather-resistant tape for a variety of jobsite applications

ZIP System Tape Roller

“Z” impression on tape provides visual indicator of where tape has been rolled

02 Why It Works

Powerful adhesion that protects against the elements.

  • Engineered to Work Year-Round

    Installation down to 0°F.

  • Professional-Grade Acrylic Adhesion

    Delivers a powerful bond.

  • Weather-Resistive Technology

    Protects against air and water.

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